Stan in Olio - Na naslovnici
On the Front Page, ZDA, 22 min
Imdb ocena 5.9
Žanr: komedija, short
Igrajo: Lillian Rich, Tyler Brooke, Stan Laurel, Bull Montana
Režija: James Parrott
Avtorji: Stan Laurel, James Parrott
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Potem, ko g. Hornbyju ni uspelo dobiti škandalozne zgodbe o grofici Polansky, svojemu sinu ukaže, naj mu v 24 urah pridobi še bolj škandalozno zgodbo o omenjeni grofici. Vendar pa je grofica vse več kot navdušena nad nadležnimi novinarji...
Originalni opis filma:
After being beaten to a story of scandal involving Countess Polasky, James W. Hornby assigns his son 24 hours to find an even more scandalous story about the countess. After spending the night in the wrong street looking for the wrong countess, he comes up with a plan: the butler will be seen in a comprimising situation with the countess, and then photographed. The countess, who is sick of reporters, has other ideas...