Dr. Strangelove
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, Velika Britanija, ZDA, 95 min
Imdb ocena 8.4
Žanr: komedija
Igrajo: Peter Sellers, George C. Scott, Sterling Hayden, Keenan Wynn
Režija: Stanley Kubrick
Avtorji: Stanley Kubrick (scenarij), Terry Southern (scenarij), Peter George (scenarij), Peter George (based on the book: "Red Alert" by)
Jezik: angleški, ruski

Slovenski opis filma:
Nori general letalskih sil ZDA Jack Ripper (Sterling Hayden) sproži nepovraten načrt jedrskega napada na ruske strateške cilje. Ameriški predsednik sodeluje s sovjetskim predsednikom vlade v obupanem poskusu, da bi skupaj rešila svet.Satirična črna komedija legendarnega režiserja Stanleyja Kubricka prinaša zgodbo o preganjavici in z vojno obsedenih ameriških generalih, ki skušajo s spletom "naključnih okoliščin" zanetiti svetovno jedrsko apokalipso. Načelnik generalštaba "Buck" Turgidson (George C. Scott) in vrhovni poveljnik letalskih sil Jack D. Ripper (Sterling Hayden) ukažeta eskadrilji bombnikov napad na Sovjetsko zvezo. Grožnja s strani tuje države sproži skrivno sovjetsko orožje, imenovano "Stroj pogube", peklensko učinkovit povračilni sistem raketnih napadov. Da bi preprečil jedrsko katastrofo, skuša britanski stotnik Lionel Mandrake (Peter Sellers) prepričati generala o nesmiselnosti načrta. Neodločni ameriški predsednik Merkin Muffley (Peter Sellers v drugi vlogi) se po svoje trudi odložiti spopad in zapitega sovjetskega predsednika vlade prepričuje, da gre zgolj za trapasto napako. Predsednikov svetovalec je blazni dr. Strangelove (Peter Sellers v tretji vlogi), nekdanji nacistični znanstvenik.
Originalni opis filma:
Paranoid Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper of Burpelson Air Force Base, believing that fluoridation of the American water supply is a Soviet plot to poison the U.S. populace, is able to deploy through a back door mechanism a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union without the knowledge of his superiors, including the Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Buck Turgidson, and President Merkin Muffley. Only Ripper knows the code to recall the B-52 bombers and he has shut down communication in and out of Burpelson as a measure to protect this attack. Ripper's executive officer, RAF Group Captain Lionel Mandrake (on exchange from Britain), who is being held at Burpelson by Ripper, believes he knows the recall codes if he can only get a message to the outside world. Meanwhile at the Pentagon War Room, key persons including Muffley, Turgidson and nuclear scientist and adviser, a former Nazi named Dr. Strangelove, are discussing measures to stop the attack or mitigate its blow-up into an all out nuclear war with the Soviets. Against Turgidson's wishes, Muffley brings Soviet Ambassador Alexi de Sadesky into the War Room, and get his boss, Soviet Premier Dimitri Kisov, on the hot line to inform him of what's going on. The Americans in the War Room are dismayed to learn that the Soviets have an as yet unannounced Doomsday Device to detonate if any of their key targets are hit. As Ripper, Mandrake and those in the War Room try and work the situation to their end goal, Major T.J. "King" Kong, one of the B-52 bomber pilots, is working on his own agenda of deploying his bomb where ever he can on enemy soil if he can't make it to his intended target.