The Fog, ZDA, 89 min
Imdb ocena 6.8
Žanr: fantazijski, grozljivka
Igrajo: Adrienne Barbeau, Jamie Lee Curtis, Janet Leigh, John Houseman
Režija: John Carpenter
Avtorji: John Carpenter, Debra Hill
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Antonio Bay je majhno obalno mesto na zahodu Amerike in približuje se njegova stoletnica. Meščani verjamejo, da je mesto nastalo, ko je na bližnjih skalah nasedla ladja. Z zlatom, ki so ga ukradli z ladje, so zgradili mesto. Medtem ko se ljudje v mestu pripravljajo na praznovanje, se žrtve zločina dvignejo iz morja, da bi se maščevali in izterjali povračilo. Pod krinko megle izvajajo brutalne napade in iščejo pravico.
Originalni opis filma:
As the centennial of the small town of Antonio Bay, California approaches, paranormal activity begins to occur at midnight. 100 years ago, the wealthy leper Blake bought the clipper ship Elizabeth Dane and sailed with his people to form a leper colony. However, while sailing through a thick fog, they were deliberately misguided by a campfire onshore, steering the course of the ship toward the light and crashing her against the rocks. While the town's residents prepare to celebrate, the victims of this heinous crime that the town's founders committed rise from the sea to claim retribution. Under cover of the ominous glowing fog, they carry out their vicious attacks, searching for what is rightly theirs.