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Filmoteka na

Igmanski marš

Igmanski marš, 1983

Igmanski mars, Jugoslavija, 97 min

Imdb ocena 6.7

Žanr: vojni

Igrajo: Tihomir Arsic, Zeljka Cvjetan, Branislav Lecic, Milan Strljic

Režija: Zdravko Sotra

Avtorji: Zivojin Gavrilovic (novela), Slobodan Stojanovic (adaptation)

Jezik: srbo-hrvaški

Igmanski marš - Igmanski mars

Slovenski opis filma:

Film je posnet po legendarnih dogodkih leta 1942, ko so Prvo proletarsko brigado v Romuniji obkolile močne nemške sile. Štab brigade je tako sprejel odločitev o izvršitvi nevarnega premika. Pot jih je peljala mimo Sarajeva, preko gore Igman proti osvobojenemu mestu Foči, kjer se je nahajalo vrhovno poveljstvo s Titom. V globokem snegu in mrazu so se lomila celo drevesa. 40 borcev s težkimi ozeblinami so prenesli na zdravljenje v Fočo, kjer so junaško prenašali nečloveške bolečine zaradi operacij brez narkoze.

Originalni opis filma:

Igman March is known as the 'second offensive'. After the fall of the Uzice Republic, for strengthening the grouping of enemies in December 1941, in the small town of Rudo in Bosnia, formed the First Proletarian Brigade, the first regular units of the National Liberation Army of Yugoslavia. One of her first major trials is Igman march known as the 'Second offensive'. In late January 1942 immediately after the formation of the brigade to mountain Romanija found itself in an environment of strong German forces and that would put us in the best great number enemy forces, supreme headquarters in consultation with the staff of the brigade decided that the majority of the Yugoslav partisans must not exceed the Igman mountain near the city of Sarajevo. The task is anything but easy because of the extreme cold and strong wind. The plan was to pass near Sarajevo itself, over Mount Igman, according to the liberated city of Foca, where he broke the supreme headquarters with Tito. The march was conducted on the night of January 27, 1942 at a temperature of minus 40 degrees. The march was after 19 hours of continuous walking and after the horrible and tragic loss yet completed.