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Muha 2

Muha 2, 1989

The Fly II, ZDA, 105 min

Imdb ocena 4.9

Žanr: grozljivka, znanstvena fantastika

Igrajo: Eric Stoltz, Daphne Zuniga, Lee Richardson, John Getz

Režija: Chris Walas

Avtorji: Mick Garris (scenarij), Jim Wheat (scenarij), Ken Wheat (scenarij), Frank Darabont (scenarij), Mick Garris (zgodba), George Langelaan (liki)

Jezik: angleški

Muha 2 - The Fly II

Slovenski opis filma:

V prvem filmu smo spoznali nesrečnega znanstvenika Setha Brundlea, ki se je zaradi ponesrečenega eksperimenta, pri katerem so se zamešale njegove molekule z molekulami navadne muhe, spremenil v grotesknega mutanta. Usodne napake ga je rešil strel ljubimke Veronice, ki je kasneje v strahu ugotovila, da je noseča. Njun sin Martin zdaj odrašča na kliniki zlobnega industrialista Antona Bartoka, kjer na njem izvajajo najrazličnejše poskuse. Ko Martin spozna privlačno Beth Logan, se vanjo na mah zaljubi. Njegovi hormoni se prebudijo in preobrazba v muho je neizbežna.

Originalni opis filma:

Seth Brundle was a renowned scientist whose warped experiments with teleportation transformed him into a man/fly hybrid called BrundleFly. A few months after the BrundleFly insect met its demise by his lover's, Veronica, shotgun, she dies while giving birth to their son, Martin. Seth's corrupt employer, Bartok, adopts Martin, only so Martin can solve the new problems that the still-functioning TelePods present and to use him as a science project because of the dormant insect genes. Martin is now fully grown, even though he is five, and the fly genes begin to awaken and make him just like dear, dead dad. With the help of his girlfriend, Beth, they go to wherever they can find a possible cure before Bartok finds them and brings them back, but not before Martin finishes his transformation into MartinFly, the deadliest of the BrundleFly species.