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Ženska liga

Ženska liga, 1992

A League of Their Own, ZDA, 128 min

Imdb ocena 7.3

Žanr: komedija, drama, družinski, Športni

Igrajo: Tom Hanks, Geena Davis, Lori Petty, Madonna

Režija: Penny Marshall

Avtorji: Kim Wilson (zgodba), Kelly Candaele (zgodba), Lowell Ganz (scenarij), Babaloo Mandel (scenarij)

Jezik: angleški

Ženska liga - A League of Their Own

Slovenski opis filma:

Sestri iz mesteca v Oregonu se med 2. sv. vojno pridružita prvi ameriški profesionalni ženski bejzbolski ligi. Tom Hanks je njihov trener, ki se mora najprej strezniti, da bi oblikoval zmagovito moštvo. Ko so zaradi odhoda moških v vojno leta 1943 bejzbolske ekipe ostale brez igralcev, je manjšim moštvom grozilo, da bodo propadla, in enaka usoda je čakala tiste v glavni ligi. Tako se je rodila prva ameriška profesionalna ženska liga. Tom Hanks je iztrošeni nekdanji igralec Jimmy Dugan, ki ga najamejo, da bi treniral ekipo mladih navdušenih igralk – med njimi Dottie Hinson (Geena Davis), "bejzbolsko Dollie" z udarcem Baba Rutha, njeno mlajšo sestro Kit Keller (Lori Petty) ter soigralki Mae Mordabito (Madonna) in Doris Murphy (Rosie O’Donnell). Komičen pogled na resnično zgodbo mladih žensk, ki so šle od doma, da bi bile del glavne lige in pokazale spretnost, ki so se je včasih sramovale – ter se zapisale v zgodovino.

Originalni opis filma:

During World War II when all the men are fighting the war, most of the jobs that were left vacant because of their absence were filled in by women. The owners of the baseball teams, not wanting baseball to be dormant indefinitely, decide to form teams with women. So scouts are sent all over the country to find women players. One of the scouts, passes through Oregon and finds a woman named Dottie Hinson, who is incredible. He approaches her and asks her to try out but she's not interested. However, her sister, Kit who wants to get out of Oregon, offers to go. But he agrees only if she can get her sister to go. When they try out, they're chosen and are on the same team. Jimmy Dugan, a former player, who's now a drunk, is the team manager. But he doesn't feel as if it's a real job so he drinks and is not exactly doing his job. So Dottie steps up. After a few months when it appears the girls are not garnering any attention, the league is facing closure till Dottie does something that grabs attention. And it isn't long Dottie is the star of the team and Kit feels like she's living in her shadow.