Fantovo življenje
This Boy's Life, ZDA, 115 min
Imdb ocena 7.3
Žanr: biografski, drama
Igrajo: Robert De Niro, Ellen Barkin, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Blechman
Režija: Michael Caton-Jones
Avtorji: Tobias Wolff (knjiga), Robert Getchell (scenarij)
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
V petdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja se ločenka Caroline s sinom Tobyjem odpravi novemu življenju naproti.Leta 1957 najstnik Toby z materjo zbeži pred nasilnim maminim partnerjem in skupaj si ustvarita novo življenje v Seattlu. Tam mati spozna prijaznega mehanika Dwighta. Toby zaide v slabo družbo in je neprestano v težavah. Njegova mama se poroči z Dwightom, a kmalu po poroki ugotovi, da je njen mož nasilen alkoholik. Toby sanja o tem, da bi čim prej zbežal iz tega mesta.
Originalni opis filma:
In 1957, a son and mother flee the East and an abusive boyfriend to find a new life, and end up in Seattle, where the mother meets a polite garage mechanic. The boy continually gets into trouble by hanging out with the wrong crowd. The mom marries the mechanic, but they soon find out that he's an abusive and unreasoning alcoholic, and they struggle to maintain hope in an impossible situation as the boy grows up with plans to escape the small town by any means possible. Based on a true story by Tobias Wolff.