Ubijalec androidov
Droid Gunner, ZDA, 90 min
Imdb ocena 3.7
Žanr: akcijski, znanstvena fantastika
Igrajo: Marc Singer, Matthias Hues, Rochelle Swanson, Robin Clarke
Režija: Fred Olen Ray
Avtorji: William C. Martell (scenarij)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
V daljni prihodnosti po veliki katastrofi na Zemlji vlada kaos. Ljudem preti velika nevarnost, saj našemu planetu želijo zavladati androidi. Ko iz Jupiterja pretihotapijo štiri androide, jih mora izslediti neustrašni lovec na glave Jack Ford. Na nevarnem pregonu se mu pridruži lepa Beth, s katero se morata iz mestnih ulic podati v divje podvodno mesto New Angeles.
Originalni opis filma:
In the future, the threat of global takeover by cyborg units has forced Earth to outlaw their use. But when four female androids are smuggled to Earth, Jack Ford is assigned to track them down. An adventurous chase takes him from the mean streets of Phoenix to the depths of New Angeles, an underwater city, and into the diabolical clutches of a maniacal kingpin and his criminal army.