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Kralj vseh glavic

Kralj vseh glavic, 1996

Kingpin, ZDA, 114 min

Imdb ocena 6.9

Žanr: komedija, Športni

Igrajo: Woody Harrelson, Randy Quaid, Vanessa Angel, Bill Murray

Režija: Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly

Avtorji: Barry Fanaro, Mort Nathan

Jezik: angleški

Kralj vseh glavic - Kingpin

Slovenski opis filma:

Nekdanji kegljaški prvak Roy Munson najde varovanca v mladem Amišu po imenu Ishmael, ob katerem naj bi znova podoživel trenutke minule slave. Odpelje ga na prvenstvo v Reno, da bi se maščeval svojemu staremu tekmecu.Roy Munson je bil državni prvak v kegljanju leta 1979. A kmalu po tistem je ostal brez roke, po tem ko je skušal ogoljufati napačne ljudi. Zadnjih 17 let je živel nesrečno življenje trgovca s kegljaško opremo in gumijasto roko. Potem pa spozna Ishmaela, mladega amiša in neverjetno nadarjenega kegljača. Prepriča ga, naj začne s svojo spretnostjo služiti denar kot poklicni igralec in tako reši družinsko kmetijo na robu propada. Dvojica kmalu zmaguje na vseh turnirjih. Surova in nepopisno zabavna komedija v zadnji četrtini zgodbe spremeni hitrost in postane veliko bolj resna.

Originalni opis filma:

Roy Munson was raised to be the best bowler in the world (trained early on by his father). But a fellow bowler, Ernie McCracken and a misunderstanding with some rough punks, leaves poor Roy with the loss of his bowling hand! Not to let this get him down, he gets a prosthetic hand and becomes a travelling sales man. But it's really all down hill for him from that night on until ... One day he meets Ishmael who is Amish and sneaks away from the farm to bowl (his fellow Amish would disown him if they knew)! Roy convinces Ishmael to let him be his trainer and he'll make him the best bowler the world has ever seen. Reluctantly Ishmael agrees to go on the road and shortly afterwards actually finds that life outside the farm is quite fun. Soon their paths cross that of Ernie McCracken who is still a top ranking bowler. While Roy's career and life have landed in the toilet bowl, Ernie is still drawing huge crowds and all the babes! They both square off for the ultimate bowling championship ... to see which one truly IS the champion.