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RKO 281

RKO 281, 1999

RKO 281, ZDA, Velika Britanija, 86 min

Imdb ocena 7.1

Žanr: biografski, drama

Igrajo: Liev Schreiber, James Cromwell, Melanie Griffith, John Malkovich

Režija: Benjamin Ross

Avtorji: John Logan, Richard Ben Cramer (documentary "The Battle Over Citizen Kane"), Thomas Lennon (documentary "The Battle Over Citizen Kane")

Jezik: angleški

RKO 281 - RKO 281

Slovenski opis filma:

Dva odločna titana se spreta zaradi snemanja enega najboljših filmov vseh časov, Državljana Kanea, poznanega tudi kot RKO 281.Dva odločna titana se spreta zaradi snemanja enega najboljših filmov vseh časov, Državljana Kanea, poznanega tudi kot RKO 281. Leto 1940. 24-letni čudežni deček Orson Welles (Liev Schreiber) po velikem uspehu na Broadwayu in radiu prispe v Hollywood, da bi posnel svoj prvi film z zagotovilom o popolnem nadzoru. Kljub opozorilom sodelavca, scenarista Hermana Mankiewicza (John Malkovich), Welles ustvari ne preveč pretanjeno biografijo medijskega mogotca Williama Randolpha Hearsta (James Cromwell). Mogočni 76-letni Hearst ne dovoli oglaševanja filma v svojih časopisih. In ko studio še vedno ne ustavi snemanja Državljana Kanea, se Hearst zateče še k večjemu izsiljevanju. V filmu RKO 281, ki je nastal v produkciji HBO Pictures, igrajo Liev Schreiber, James Cromwell, Melanie Griffith in John Malkovich. Film temelji na dokumentarcu "The Battle Over Citizen Kane", za katerega sta napisala scenarij Richard Ben Cramer in Thomas Lennon. Prejel je zlati globus v kategoriji najboljša miniserija ali film, narejen za televizijo.

Originalni opis filma:

Coming to Hollywood as a celebrated boy genius featuring a spectacular career arc in New York including his radio hoax War of the Worlds, Orson Welles is stymied on the subject for his first film. After a dinner party at Hearst Castle, during which he has a verbal altercation with William Randolph Hearst, Welles decides to do a movie about Hearst. It takes him some time to convince co-writer Herman J. Mankiewicz and the studio, but Welles eventually gets the script and the green light, keeping the subject very hush-hush with the press. The movie is about an aging newspaper publisher who controlled his enemies as ruthlessly as he controlled his friends; and whose mistress was destined for fame. When a rough cut is screened, Hearst gets wind of the movie's theme and begins a campaign to see that it is not only never publicly screened, but destroyed.