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Vrtinec, 2000

Maelstrom, Kanada, 87 min

Imdb ocena 6.8

Žanr: drama

Igrajo: Marie-Josée Croze, Jean-Nicolas Verreault, Stephanie Morgenstern

Režija: Denis Villeneuve

Avtorji: Denis Villeneuve

Jezik: francoski, angleški, norveški

Vrtinec - Maelstrom

Slovenski opis filma:

25-letni Bibiane se zdi, da njeno življenje nima smisla. Po spletu nesrečnih okoliščin se napije in z avtomobilom zbije moža, ki pozneje umre. Ko si hoče še sama vzeti življenje, Bibiane spozna Eviana – sina moškega, ki ga je ubila.25-letna Bibiane (Marie-Josée Croze) je občasna manekenka brez denarnih skrbi, ki se po težavnem splavu sprašuje o smislu svojega življenja. Preda se omami opojnih snovi in ko se nekega večera pijana vrača domov, z avtomobilom zbije pešca ter pobegne s kraja nesreče. Naslednje jutro ugotovi, da je moški v nesreči umrl. Zlomljena od bremena krivde se udeleži njegovega pogreba in tam spozna Eviana (Jean-Nicolas Verreault), s katerim se zaplete v romantično razmerje. Vendar se Bibiane boji Evianu razkriti svojo temačno skrivnost.

Originalni opis filma:

On the surface, twenty-five year old Bibiane Champagne has the perfect life. She is the daughter of the famed Flo Fabert. She co-owns a chain of boutiques in Quebec with her brother, Philippe. But Bibi's life is in shambles. She has just had an abortion. And the boutiques are failing because of her incompetence, which is the result of or has led to her substance abuse. It is also the result of the high expectations on her. Bibi's story is told by a fish awaiting decapitation on a butcher's block, the fish as narrator largely because of the singular and accidental encounter she has with fifty-three year old Norwegian fishmonger, Annstein Karlsen. That encounter leads to a further failed decision by Bibi and a meeting with Annstein's son, Evian Karlsen, who does not know the full extent of Bibi and his father's relationship. Bibi's time with Evian may provide some salvation to her crumbling life.