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Groza v jezeru Loch Ness

Groza v jezeru Loch Ness, 2001

Beneath Loch Ness, ZDA, 96 min

Imdb ocena 3.2

Žanr: akcijski, grozljivka, triler

Igrajo: Patrick Bergin, Lysette Anthony, Brian Wimmer, Lysa Apostle

Režija: Chuck Comisky

Avtorji: Shane Bitterling (scenarij), Shane Bitterling (zgodba), Chuck Comisky (zgodba), Justin Stanley (scenarij), Justin Stanley (zgodba)

Jezik: angleški

Groza v jezeru Loch Ness - Beneath Loch Ness

Slovenski opis filma:

Ameriška znanstvena odprava na škotskem jezeru Loch Ness odkrije nove dokaze o obstoju znamenite pošasti. Kmalu se v bližini jezera začnejo dogajati nenavadne nesreče in skrivnostna izginotja. Medtem ko se raziskovalci trudijo odkriti krvoločno zver, na obalo jezera naplavi ostanke nenavadnega morskega bitja. Gre za slovito pošast Nessie?

Originalni opis filma:

A scientific expedition to Loch Ness runs into trouble when the group leader is killed in a mysterious diving accident. Soon after, when the unorthodox Professor Howell shows up to take over as leader of the group, more strange incidents and attacks start to occur. While Howell and TV producer Elizabeth Borden (who has been financing the team's work in exchange for exclusive footage of their discoveries) are busy investigating the source of the attacks, the body of an enormous sea creature washes up on the lake's shore. Obviously, this is the famed Loch Ness Monster, right? Perhaps not...