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Pancho Villa

Pancho Villa, 2003

And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself, ZDA, 112 min

Imdb ocena 6.6

Žanr: biografski, drama, zgodovinski

Igrajo: Antonio Banderas, Eion Bailey, Alan Arkin, Jim Broadbent

Režija: Bruce Beresford

Avtorji: Larry Gelbart

Jezik: angleški

Pancho Villa - And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself

Slovenski opis filma:

Drama programa HBO razgrinja tanko mejo med dejstvi in domišljijo, ko revolucionar Pancho Villa (Antonio Banderas) dovoli filmski ekipi snemati njegovo vojsko med uporom zoper nacionalistično Huerto leta 1914.Luči ... kamera ... akcija ... revolucija! Antonio Banderas se izkaže v neverjetni zgodbi, posneti po resničnih dogodkih, o mehiškem revolucionarju, ki je igral v prvem resničnostnem hollywoodskem akcijskem filmu. Drama programa HBO razgrinja tanko mejo med dejstvi in domišljijo, ko revolucionar Pancho Villa (Antonio Banderas) dovoli filmski ekipi snemati njegovo vojsko med uporom zoper nacionalistično Huerto leta 1914. Panchu Villi zmanjka sredstev za financiranje upora zoper militaristično oblast, znajde se tudi v nemilosti Američanov in gonji Hearstovega medijskega imperija. Zato pošlje odposlance, da bi prepričali filmske producente o financiranju filma in dejanskih bitk. Producenta D. W. Griffitha zadeva pritegne in tja pošlje Franka Thayerja ter filmsko ekipo. Thayer je zgrožen in navdušen nad resničnim banditom. Skrivnostni mož se mu zdi enako nasilen kakor očarljiv. Filmski posnetki so postali prvi celovečerec o mehiški revoluciji, v katerem so Američani videli resnične grozote vojne, ki jim osebno nikoli niso bili priča.

Originalni opis filma:

Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa (Antonio Banderas) finds himself without adequate funding to finance his war against the military-run government. He also finds himself at odds with the Americans because of the Hearst media empire's press campaign against him. To counter both of these, he sends emissaries to movie producers to convince them to pay to film his progress and the actual battles. Producer D.W. Griffith (Colm Feore) becomes interested and sends Frank Thayer (Eion Bailey) with a film crew to develop film reels. Thayer becomes horrified and fascinated by the bandit. He finds an enigmatic individual that is both ghoulishly brutal and charmingly captivating. The resulting film became the first feature length movie, introducing scores of Americans to the true horrors of war that they had never personally seen. Thayer sold the studios on making the film despite their concerns that no one would sit through a movie longer than 1 hour by convincing them that they could raise the price of movies to ten cents, doubling the going price at that time.