Alchemy, ZDA, 86 min
Imdb ocena 5.3
Žanr: komedija, romantični
Igrajo: Michael Ian Black, Tom Cavanagh, Sarah Chalke, James Barbour
Režija: Evan Oppenheimer
Avtorji: Evan Oppenheimer
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Profesorju Malu Downheyju je uspel neverjeten preboj na področju tehnologije: izdelal je računalnik z imenom »Jerry«, ki se je zmožen pogovarjati z ljudmi in prepoznavati njihova čustva. Da bi prepričal svoje nadrejene, da računalnik res deluje, se ga Mal odloči postaviti na preizkušnjo. Mal pripravi tekmovanje, na katerem bosta računalnik in resnični moški oba poskušala osvojiti žensko srce. Kdo bo izšel kot zmagovalec?
Originalni opis filma:
Mal is a New York computer scientist about to lose his university job. He posits that a woman can fall in love with a responsive computer program as easily as with a real man. He finds a subject for the experiment, not telling her what's actually going on. She's Samantha, an actress, and a he finds a rival who calls himself Dr. Love. A women's magazine wants to report the story, but its editor changes the game, insisting that Mal dress up like "Jerry," the personality the computer creates, wear an earpiece, and spout the computer's words. Samantha plays along until her feelings for both "Jerry" and Dr. Love get serious. What's a scientist to do when his hypotheses goes awry?