Preživeti smrt
Living Death, Kanada, 85 min
Imdb ocena 4.2
Žanr: drama, grozljivka, triler
Igrajo: Kristy Swanson, Greg Bryk, Joshua Peace, Kelsey Matheson
Režija: Erin Berry
Avtorji: Erin Berry, Leo Scherman (zgodba), Christopher Warre Smets
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Elizabeth je iz koristoljubja poročena s ciničnim in sadističnim osvajalcem Victorjem, ki je podedoval veliko denarja in vilo, v kateri živita. Njen ljubimec je Victorjev odvetnik in najboljši prijatelj Roman. Od Victorja se ne sme ločiti, saj je podpisala predporočno pogodbo, ki bi ji prinesla zgolj 10.000 dolarjev. Roman in Elizabeth načrtujeta Victorjevo zastrupitev. Victor zaužije nevarno drogo, zaradi katere je paraliziran. Ko se prebudi iz kome, se želi maščevati v svoji sobi za mučenje.
Originalni opis filma:
The masochist Elizabeth lives a marriage of convenience with the cynical, sadistic and reckless playboy Victor, who is the heir of a huge inheritance including the mansion where they live. She is the lover of Victor's lawyer and best friend Roman, but she can not divorce Victor since she signed a prenuptial contract that would leave her with only $10,000. Roman plots with Elizabeth to poison Victor with an experimental drug, but it fails and Victor is completely paralyzed without dying. During his autopsy with three medical students, Victor awakes from his comatose status, and totally deranged, he seeks revenge using his torture chamber.