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Zapiski o škandalu

Zapiski o škandalu, 2006

Notes on a Scandal, Velika Britanija, 92 min

Imdb ocena 7.4

Žanr: kriminalni, drama, romantični

Igrajo: Judi Dench, Cate Blanchett, Tom Georgeson, Michael Maloney

Režija: Richard Eyre

Avtorji: Patrick Marber (scenarij), Zoe Heller (novela)

Jezik: angleški, francoski

Zapiski o škandalu - Notes on a Scandal

Slovenski opis filma:

Dve ženski, ujeti v dramo o potrebah in izdajstvu, tvorita jedro psihološkega trilerja Zapisi o škandalu. Dve ženski, ujeti v dramo o potrebah in izdajstvu, tvorita jedro psihološkega trilerja Zapisi o škandalu. Zapleti in preobrati so trpko zabeleženi v dnevniku Barbare Covett (Judi Dench), gospodovalne in samotarske učiteljice, ki poučuje v dotrajani državni srednji šoli v Londonu in svojemu razredu vlada z železno roko. Živi sama, brez prijateljev ali zaupnikov, le z mačko. Toda njen svet se spremeni, ko spozna novo učiteljico umetnosti, Shebo Hart (Cate Blanchett). Zdi se, da je prav ona sorodna duša in zvesta prijateljica, ki jo je iskala vse življenje. Toda ko Barbara odkrije, da ima Sheba vročo zvezo s svojim dijakom (Andrew Simpson), se njuno prijateljstvo nevarno spremeni. Barbara Shebi zagrozi, da bo grozljivo skrivnost razkrila tako njenemu možu (Bill Nighy) kot vsemu svetu, hkrati pa na površino vzniknejo njene lastne temne skrivnosti in obsedenosti ter razkrijejo prevare v samem bistvu življenja obeh žensk

Originalni opis filma:

The bitter, cynical and lonely Barbara Covett is a tough and conservative teacher, near to retirement, who is loathed by her colleagues and students. In the loneliness of her apartment, she spends her spare time writing her journal, taking care of her old cat Portia and missing her special friend Jennifer Dodd. When Sheba Hart joins the high-school as the new art teacher, Barbara dedicates her attention to the newcomer, writing sharp and unpleasant comments about her behavior and clothes. When Barbara helps Sheba in a difficult situation with two students, the grateful Sheba invites her to have lunch with her family. Sheba introduces her husband and former professor Richard Hart, who is about twenty years older than she; her rebellious teenager daughter Polly; and her son Ben that has Down's Syndrome. Barbara becomes close to Sheba, but when she accidentally discovers that Sheba is having an affair with the fifteen year-old student Steven Connolly, Barbara sees the chance to manipulate and get closer to Sheba, hiding the secret from the school headmaster. When Portia dies and Sheba does not stay with Barbara in the veterinary office to see Ben in a theater play, Barbara plots a Machiavellian revenge against Sheba, creating a scandal and consequent turmoil in their lives.