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Oceanovih 13

Oceanovih 13, 2007

Ocean's Thirteen, ZDA, 122 min

Imdb ocena 6.9

Žanr: kriminalni, triler

Igrajo: George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Michael Mantell

Režija: Steven Soderbergh

Avtorji: Brian Koppelman, David Levien, George Clayton Johnson (liki), Jack Golden Russell (liki)

Jezik: angleški, francoski, španski

Oceanovih 13 - Ocean's Thirteen

Slovenski opis filma:

Ko smo nazadnje videli Dannyja Oceana in njegovo ekipo, so morali lastniku igralnice Terryju Benedictu odplačati vse milijone, ki so mu jih ukradli. Od takrat je minilo že več let, toda Danny in ostali se bodo zdaj ponovno zbrali. Rueben Tishkoff z lastnikom igralnice Willyjem Bankom zgradi hotel, nato pa postane žrtev Bankove prevare. Rueben, ki nazadnje zaradi infarkta pristane v bolnišnici, se odloči za maščevanje. Danny in ostali se tako združijo s svojim starim sovražnikom Benedictom, ki ima z Bankom prav tako neporavnane račune, in začnejo snovati novo nezaslišano akcijo. Toda tokrat ni pomemben denar, temveč maščevanje.

Originalni opis filma:

The last time we saw Danny Ocean's crew, they were paying back ruthless casino mogul Terry Benedict after stealing millions from him. However, it's been a while since they've come back together, which is all about to change. When one of their own, Reuben Tishkoff, builds a hotel with another casino owner, Willy Bank, the last thing he ever wanted was to get cut out of the deal personally by the loathsome Bank. Bank's attitude even goes so far as to finding the amusement in Tishkoff's misfortune when the double crossing lands Reuben in the hospital because of a heart attack. However, Danny and his crew won't stand for Bank and what he's done to a friend. Uniting with their old enemy Benedict, who himself has a vendetta against Bank, the crew is out to pull off a major plan; one that will unfold on the night Bank's newest hot spot opens up. They're not in this for the money, but for the revenge.