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Senčne lutke

Senčne lutke, 2007

Shadow Puppets, ZDA, Kanada, 105 min

Imdb ocena 4.8

Žanr: grozljivka, triler

Igrajo: James Marsters, Tony Todd, Marc Winnick, Natasha Alam

Režija: Michael Winnick

Avtorji: Michael Winnick

Jezik: angleški

Senčne lutke - Shadow Puppets

Slovenski opis filma:

Ženska in moški se zbudita v celici zapuščenega zapora ali zavoda za duševno zdravje. Oblečena sta le v spodnje perilo in se ničesar ne spominjata. Zaslišita čuden zastrašujoči zvok, zato želita najti izhod iz stavbe. Srečata še šest neznancev, enega izmed njih pa napade in umori senca. Med poskusom pobega iz prostora pred senco, najdejo aparat za manipulacijo z možgani, na katerem piše, da je bil uporabljen osemkrat. Ko srečajo devetega neznance, spoznajo, da nekdo izmed njih laže in ve, kaj se je zgodilo z njimi.

Originalni opis filma:

A woman and a man awake in individual white cells in an abandoned prison or mental institution wearing only underwear and without any memory. They hear a strange and creepy noise and decide to look for a way out of the facility. They meet six other strangers in the same situation and one of them is attacked and killed by a shadow. While trying to escape from the place and the shadow, they find the brain washing apparatus with the indication that had been used eight times. When they meet the ninth stranger, they realize that one of them is lying and knows what have happened with them.