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Zlomljena krila

Zlomljena krila, 2007

Butterfly on a Wheel, United Kingdom, Kanada, United States, 95 min

Imdb ocena 6.6

Žanr: kriminalni, drama, triler

Igrajo: Pierce Brosnan, Maria Bello, Gerard Butler

Režija: Mike Barker

Avtorji: William Morrissey

Jezik: angleški

Zlomljena krila - Butterfly on a Wheel

Slovenski opis filma:

Neil in Abby imata popolno življenje in popoln zakon. Z ljubko hčerkico Sophie živita ameriške sanje ... dokler Sophie nekega dne ne ugrabijo. S tem Neilov in Abbyjin varni mehurček, v katerem sta živela dotlej, poči. Ne preostane jima drugega, kot da začneta vestno izpolnjevati, kar jima naloži ugrabitelj Ryan, za katerega se izkaže, da je preračunljiv sociopat, ki nima kaj izgubiti. In medtem ko se njunemu dekletcu čas izteka, nesrečni par ugotovi, da bo postala njuna nočna mora še hujša. Soočiti se morata še z zadnjo Ryanovo srhljivo preizkušnjo: bosta ubila nedolžnega človeka, da bi rešila svojega otroka?

Originalni opis filma:

The happily-married couple of Neil and Abby Randall have worked very hard to create a healthy and safe bubble for themselves and their only daughter, Sophie. However, their seemingly idyllic life will start crumbling into pieces when, out of the blue, the determined and methodical gunman, Tom Ryan, holds them captive, as his cold-blooded accomplice uses Sophie for leverage. Now, Abby and Neil have no other choice but to do Tom's bidding if they want to keep their child alive--and with every task they successfully perform--they see a piece of their orderly life being robbed from them. But, why is this perfect stranger bent on destroying three innocents?