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Rokoborec, 2008

The Wrestler, ZDA, Francija, 109 min

Imdb ocena 7.9

Žanr: drama, Športni

Igrajo: Mickey Rourke, Marisa Tomei, Evan Rachel Wood, Mark Margolis

Režija: Darren Aronofsky

Avtorji: Robert D. Siegel

Jezik: angleški

Rokoborec - The Wrestler

Slovenski opis filma:

Mickey Rourke je v tem filmu dal vse od sebe, da bi prikazal poklicnega rokoborca Randyja »Zabijača« Robinsona.Film pripoveduje zgodbo starajočega se poklicnega rokoborca, čigar najboljša leta so že minila in ki se komaj preživlja z nepomembnimi borbami in delom v trgovini. Ker se sooča tudi z zdravstvenimi težavami, ki bi lahko pomenile konec njegove športne kariere, poskuša urediti vsa druga področja svojega življenja. Tako v trgovini zaprosi za več obveznosti, hkrati pa se poskuša pobotati s hčerjo, ki jo je zapustil, ko je bila še otrok, in stkati vezi s slačipunco, v katero je zaljubljen. Medtem ko mu novo življenje povzroča same preglavice, pa se mu v rokoborbi obeta nepričakovan uspeh.

Originalni opis filma:

This is a drama about an aging professional wrestler, decades past his prime, who now barely gets by working small wrestling shows in VFW halls and as a part-time grocery store employee. As he faces health problems that may end his wrestling career for good he attempts to come to terms with his life outside the ring: by working full time at the grocery store, trying to reconcile with the daughter he abandoned in childhood and forming a closer bond with a stripper he has romantic feelings for. He struggles with his new life and an offer of a high-profile rematch with his 1980s arch-nemesis, The Ayatollah, which may be his ticket back to stardom.