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Točka prednosti

Točka prednosti, 2008

Vantage Point, ZDA, 90 min

Imdb ocena 6.6

Žanr: akcijski, kriminalni, drama

Igrajo: Dennis Quaid, Matthew Fox, Forest Whitaker, Bruce McGill

Režija: Pete Travis

Avtorji: Barry L. Levy

Jezik: angleški, španski

Točka prednosti - Vantage Point

Slovenski opis filma:

Thomas Barnes in Kent Taylor sta agenta ameriške vlade, ki morata na njegovem obisku v Španiji varovati predsednika ZDA. Ko predsednika tik pred slovesnim govorom nekdo ustreli, morata agenta čim prej najti atentatorja. Tragično sosledje dogodkov je s kamero zabeležil ameriški turist Howard, s svojimi očmi pa je dogajanje videla tudi ameriška televizijska producentka Rex Brooks. Ko agenta prisluhneta pričevanjem očividcev, počasi začneta sestavljati sliko o dogodkih, ki so se zgodili tik pred, med in po usodnem dogodku.

Originalni opis filma:

The President of the United States is in Salamanca, Spain, about to address the city in a public square. We see a plain-clothes cop, his girlfriend with another man, a mother and child, an American tourist with a video camera, and a Secret Service agent newly returned from medical leave. Shots ring out and the President falls; a few minutes later, we hear a distant explosion, then a bomb goes off in the square. Those minutes are retold, several times, emphasizing different characters' actions. Gradually, we discover who's behind the plot. Is the Secret Service one step ahead, or have the President's adversaries thought of everything?