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Za vedno

Za vedno, 2008

Za vedno, Slovenija, 82 min

Imdb ocena 6.4

Žanr: drama

Igrajo: Dejan Spasic, Marjuta Slamic, Peter Musevski, Mojca Partljic

Režija: Damjan Kozole

Avtorji: Damjan Kozole

Jezik: slovenski

Za vedno - Za vedno

Slovenski opis filma:

Leto produkcije: 2008 Država: Slovenija Žanr: drama Režija: Damjan Kozole Scenarij: Damjan Kozole Igrajo: Marjuta Slamič, Dejan Spasić, Peter Musevski, Mojca Partljič, Primož Petkovšek, Aljoša Kovačič Tanja ima petintrideset let, je uspešna ženska. Njen mož Mare je arhitekt. V petek zvečer pride Tanja pozno ponoči domov. Po mučnem pogovoru in ljubosumnih očitkih Mare izgubi živce in jo klofne. Očitno ne prvič v življenju. Tanja se zaklene v kopalnico. Pogovarjata se preko zaklenjenih vrat. Mare se pomiri. Ko Tanja pride ven, Mare spet postane grob. Ropot zbudi spodnjega soseda, ki pokliče policijo. Pomirita se. Ko policija odide, se nadaljuje psihično nasilje. Noč spretnega preobračanja besed. Plast za plastjo se razkrivajo skrivnosti njunega razmerja. Za fasado uspešnega para se skrivajo občutki nemoči, prevare, frustracije in travme iz mladosti. Eden najboljših slovenskih filmov, posnetih po osamosvojitvi, je bil premierno prikazan na festivalu v Rotterdamu, ki ga lahko uvrstimo med deset najbolj pomembnih filmskih festivalov na svetu. Film je bil posnet v šestih nočeh v režiserjevem stanovanju.

Originalni opis filma:

Tanya is 35, with a successful career. Her husband Mare is an architect. One Friday, Tanya comes home late at night. Mare confronts her and they exchange some edgy words; Mare is clearly jealous, he loses control of himself and slaps her in the face. Obviously, it is not the first such incident. Tanya locks herself in the bathroom. They continue their conversation over the locked doors. Mare calms down, but when Tanya comes from the bathroom, he becomes abusive again. The noise wakes up a neighbor who reports them to the police. The police arrive and the couple calms down. When the police leave, the couple resorts to psychological abuse. What follows is the night of hateful and skillful twisting of words that unveils, step by step, all the dark secrets of their relationship. Behind a facade of a successful couple, there are suppressed feelings of inferiority, weaknesses, deceit, frustration and traumas from their youth.