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Vojna med nevestama

Vojna med nevestama, 2009

Bride Wars, ZDA, 89 min

Imdb ocena 5.5

Žanr: komedija, romantični

Igrajo: Kate Hudson, Anne Hathaway, Bryan Greenberg, Chris Pratt

Režija: Gary Winick

Avtorji: Greg DePaul (scenarij), Casey Wilson (scenarij), June Diane Raphael (scenarij), Greg DePaul (zgodba)

Jezik: angleški

Vojna med nevestama - Bride Wars

Slovenski opis filma:

Manhattanska odvetnica Liv in šolska učiteljica Emma sta že od otroštva najboljši prijateljici. Ko ju njuna fanta na isti dan zasnubita, se dekleti odločita, da se bosta poročili na istem mestu, in sicer v hotelu Plaza. Slovesna dogodka naj bi organizirala slavna načrtovalka porok Marion St. Claire, toda ko Marionina tajnica naredi napako, Liv in Emma izvesta, da se bosta njuni poroki odvijali na isti dan! Ker ne ena ne druga nista pripravljeni spremeniti datuma poroke, se prelevita v sovražnici št. 1, ki nameravata druga drugi uničiti poroko.

Originalni opis filma:

In Manhattan, the lawyer Liv and the school teacher Emma have been best friends since their childhood. They both are proposed to by their boyfriends on the same day and they plan their wedding parties in Plaza Hotel, using the services of the famous Marion St. Claire. However, due to Marion's secretary's mistake, their weddings are scheduled for the same day. None of them agrees to change the date and they become enemies, trying to sabotage the wedding party of the rival.