Zapusti me, če me moreš
Serious Moonlight, ZDA, 81 min
Imdb ocena 5.4
Žanr: komedija, kriminalni, romantični
Igrajo: Meg Ryan, Timothy Hutton, Justin Long, Kristen Bell
Režija: Cheryl Hines
Avtorji: Adrienne Shelly
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Vplivna odvetnica Louise se nikakor ne more sprijazniti, da ji njen mož Ian ni zvest. Toda kaplja čez rob je, ko ga zaloti v njuni koči, medtem ko čaka na svojo ljubico. Louise vzame stvari v svoje roke in z lepilnim trakom na straniščno školjko priklene svojega prešuštniškega moža, da bi ji priznal svoja čustva. Situacija se kmalu še bolj zaplete, saj v njuno hišo vlomijo tatovi.
Originalni opis filma:
Louise wants to find a way to reconnect with her husband, Ian, who is divorcing her after many years of marriage. But when she surprises him at their country home, she is more than slightly dismayed that the roses and romantic set-up are not for her but for his much younger mistress. Louise takes matters into her own hands, and abducts Ian duct-taping him to the toilet, where he must admit to his true feelings and he is unable to leave her. Things grow exceedingly awry for everybody when a burglar shows up at their house, and then everybody must discover and admit to their true feelings.