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Ujeti v sedanjosti

Ujeti v sedanjosti, 2010

Repeaters, Kanada, 89 min

Imdb ocena 5.8

Žanr: akcijski, kriminalni, drama

Igrajo: Dustin Milligan, Amanda Crew, Richard de Klerk, Alexia Fast

Režija: Carl Bessai

Avtorji: Arne Olsen (creator), Arne Olsen (scenarij)

Jezik: angleški

Ujeti v sedanjosti - Repeaters

Slovenski opis filma:

Kyle, Sonia in Mike so zaradi svojih preteklih kriminalnih dejanj pristali v rehabilitacijskem zavodu. Nekega večera začne divjati nevihta, med katero vse tri strese elektrika, naslednje jutro pa ugotovijo, da se ponavljajo dogodki prejšnjega dne. Ker so naslednji dan vsi njihovi pretekli grehi izbrisani, se odločijo, da bodo izkoristili situacijo. Medtem ko Kyle in Sonia skušata pomagati drugim, Mike bolj uživa v kriminalnih dejanjih, ki so vsak dan bolj nasilna. Kdaj se bo končal začarani krog?

Originalni opis filma:

In Mission City, Kyle Halsted, Sonia Logan and Michael "Mike" Weeks are interned in a rehabilitation facility run by Bob Simpson. One Wednesday, they have a pass to go outside the site and Kyle visits his sister Charlotte Halsted (Alexia Fast) at the Mission Secondary School but she does not talk to him. Sonia goes to the hospital where her father is terminal, but she does not visit him. Mike visits his father at the Maximum Security Correctional Facility where he is prisoner and the man does not talk to mike. During the night, there is a storm and Kyle, Sonia and Mike have electrical shocks and on the next morning, they awaken on the same day. When they realize that the Wednesday is repeating over and over again, their first reaction is to have fun with dangerous situations. Soon Kyle and Sonia disclose secrets and they decide to use the days to resolve personal issues mending their lives. But Mike decides to route through a criminal life believing that on the next morning, everything would be over.