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Divja salsa

Divja salsa, 2014

Cuban Fury, Velika Britanija, 98 min

Imdb ocena 6.2

Žanr: komedija, romantični, Športni

Igrajo: Ben Radcliffe, Ian McShane, Isabella Steinbarth, Brandon Robinson

Režija: James Griffiths

Avtorji: Jon Brown, Nick Frost (original idea)

Jezik: angleški, perzijski, španski

Divja salsa - Cuban Fury

Slovenski opis filma:

Leto 1987. Trinajstletnemu Bruceu Garrettu, izjemno nadarjenemu plesalcu, se obeta prepričljiva zmaga na britanskem mladinskem prvenstvu v salsi. Nihče ne dvomi o njegovi uspešni karieri, a neke usodne noči zaradi čudaškega dogodka v celoti izgubi samozavest in njegovo življenje ubere povsem drugačno pot. Petindvajset let pozneje je Bruce, potem ko je potlačil svoje mladostniške sanje, brez kakršne koli kondicije, nepriljubljen in odrinjen. Šele Julie, njegova pametna, zabavna, predvsem pa čudovita nova šefinja iz ZDA, ga prisili, da se zamisli nad svojim dolgočasnim, hladnim življenjem. Vendar ji ne seže do kolen, poleg tega pa nima nikakršnih možnosti proti svojemu sodelavcu Drewu, spogledljivcu in alfa samcu, ki Julio divje osvaja. Vse to je več kot dovolj, da Bruce ponovno izgubi vsakršno upanje. Ali mu voljo lahko povrnejo njegova zvesta sestra, plesni učitelj iz otroštva in nori ljubiteljski plesalec salse? Ali lahko v njem prebudijo plesno strast, dolgo izgubljeno zagrizenost in mu pomagajo osvojiti ljubezen njegovega življenja? Leto produkcije: 2014 Država: Velika Britanija Žanr: komedija Režija: James Griffiths Scenarij: Jon Brown, Nick Frost Igrajo: Nick Frost, Rashida Jones, Chris O'Dowd, Olivia Colman

Originalni opis filma:

1987: A 13 year old natural born dancer with fire in his heels and snakes in his hips is working himself up to explode all over the UK Junior Salsa Championships. But then: a freakish bullying incident on the mean streets of London robs him of his confidence, and our young hero finds his life diverted down a very different path. So it is that 22 years later, an adult Bruce Garrett (Nick Frost) finds himself out-of-shape and unloved - trapped in a downward spiral of self-pity, repression and Nando's take-outs. Only Julia (Rashida Jones), his smart, funny, gorgeous new American boss, gives him reason to live. But she's untouchable. Out of his league, so he imagines, with her perfect smile and perfect life. Unknown to Bruce however, Julia has issues all of her own. Luckily for him, she also has a secret passion. Then there's Drew (Chris O'Dowd), his alpha male colleague and horny king-monkey of the office. With Drew making no secret of his desire to get (his words) "all up inside Julia", Bruce is forced into action. And thus, Bruce is once again brought face-to-face with the darkest and most powerful of his inner demons. Somehow, someway, and with a lot of hand-holding from loyal sister Sam (Olivia Colman) Bruce must learn how to unshackle his dancing beast, regain his long lost fury and claim the love of his life...and he's going to do it all On The Dance Floor...