Dokler sva še mlada
While We're Young, ZDA, 97 min
Imdb ocena 6.3
Žanr: komedija, drama, misterij
Igrajo: Naomi Watts, Ben Stiller, Maria Dizzia, Adam Horovitz
Režija: Noah Baumbach
Avtorji: Noah Baumbach, Henrik Ibsen (epigraph from "A Master Builder" by), Wallace Shawn (epigraph from "A Master Builder" translated by)
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Komična drama. Josh Srebnick, štiriinštiridesetletnik je poročen s triinštiridesetletno Cornelio, hčerko Lesliea Breitbarta, cenjenega režiserja dokumentarnih filmov. Par živi v New Yorku udobno življenje in daje videz srečnih ljudi. Pa ni čisto tako; intimno sta Josh in Cornelia precej na psu, saj ju razžira dejstvo, da nimata otrok. Žal so tudi njuni profesionalni načrti ne izidejo, kakor bi si želela … Josh, ki je tudi dokumentarist kakor njegov tast, je ostal brez navdiha za svoje delo. Svoj zadnji film končuje že osem let in še vedno ni dokončan. Skratka, njuno življenje res niso samo rožice, dokler ne srečata drugega para, Jamieja in Darby, ki sta eno generacijo mlajša … / DOKLER SVA ŠE MLADA / ZDA / 2014 Scenarij in režija: Noah Baumbach / Igrajo: Naomi Watts, Ben Stiller, Maria Dizzia, Adam Horovitz, Matt Maher, Peter Yarrow, Bonnie Kaufman …
Originalni opis filma:
Josh Srebnick is 44. He is married to Cornelia, 43, the daughter of Leslie Breitbart, a respected documentary filmmaker. The couple lives comfortably in New York Village and gives the image of happiness. But things are not so rosy as they look: on a personal level, their relationships have been cooling down while they suffer from not having children. On a professional plane, things have deteriorated as well. Josh, who is also a documentary filmmaker like his father-in-law, has lost inspiration: he has been grappling with his last movie for eight years now without being able to complete it. To be true, Josh goes nowhere and his marriage is on the rocks. Things start changing when Josh and Cornelia meet another married pair: Jamie and Darby, a generation younger, express their admiration for Josh (Jamie wishing to become a documentary filmmaker himself). Plus, they are much cooler, smarter and more uninhibited than the two forty-odds. Could they help Josh and Cornelia to revive their couple? Could they give Josh an extra boost of energy to make a fresh start in his art?