Mommy, Kanada, 139 min
Imdb ocena 8.1
Žanr: drama
Igrajo: Anne Dorval, Suzanne Clément, Antoine-Olivier Pilon, Patrick Huard
Režija: Xavier Dolan
Avtorji: Xavier Dolan
Jezik: francoski, angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Leto produkcije: 2014 Država: Kanada Žanr: drama Režija: Xavier Dolan Scenarij: Xavier Dolan Igrajo: Anne Dorval, Antoine-Olivier Pilon, Suzanne Clément, Patrick Huard Petnajstletni Antoine trpi zaradi motnje hiperaktivnosti in primanjkljaja pozornosti (ADHD). Po smrti očeta je bil institucionaliziran, zdaj pa se mama Die odloči, da ga vzame nazaj k sebi in da poskušata zgraditi nov odnos. Antoine je nepredvidljiv, burnih odzivov in brez zavor, mama pa nič manj bojevita in nekonvencionalna v iskanju načinov preživetja. Ko se v sosednjo hišo priseli Kyle, bojazljiva mama z govorno napako in bivša učiteljica, se zdi, da si novi sosedje ne bi mogli biti bolj različni. A med Antoinom, Die in Kyle zraste neločljivo prijateljstvo, v katerem namesto poprejšnjih težav vznikne upanje za boljši jutri. Predzadnje delo čudežnega kanadskega dečka Xavierja Dolana, za katerega filme so v zadnjih letih praktično rezervirane svetovne premiere na največjih festivalih, je bilo leta 2014 v Cannesu nagrajeno s strani uradne žirije. Širom po svetu je film navdušil z izjemno energijo igralske zasedbe in režiserjevim drznim vizualnim poigravanjem. Zato pozor! Če se vam bo slika skrčila v razmerje 1:1, ne skrbite, z vašim televizorjem je vse v redu, samo Dolan si je tako zamislil nekaj sekvenc filma.
Originalni opis filma:
Forty-six year old Diane Després - "Die" - has been widowed for three years. Considered white trash by many, Die does whatever she needs, including strutting her body in front of male employers who will look, to make an honest living. That bread-winning ability is affected when she makes the decision to remove her only offspring, fifteen year old Steve Després, from her previously imposed institutionalization, one step below juvenile detention. She institutionalized him shortly following her husband's death due to Steve's attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and his violent outbursts. He was just kicked out of the latest in a long line of facilities for setting fire to the cafeteria, in turn injuring another boy. She made this decision to deinstitutionalize him as she didn't like the alternative, sending him into more restrictive juvenile detention from which he would probably never be rehabilitated. However, with this deinstitutionalization, she has to take care of him which means only being able to do home based work. Despite they always yelling expletives at each other and Steve sometimes demonstrating those violent tendencies toward her, Die and Steve truly do love each other, his emotions which are sometimes manifested as an Oedipus complex especially as he seems to need her complete attention most specifically when it is being directed at possible male suitors. Their lives, both individually and as a family, are affected with the entrance of two of their neighbors. The first is Paul, a lawyer, who does have that sexual interest in Die as he tries to help Steve through his legal problems. The second and more important is Kyla, who lives across the street with her husband Patrick and their adolescent daughter, they who are in transit in their life to wherever Patrick's job will take them. Kyla is a high school teacher on sabbatical as she deals with her own emotional issues, which are manifested in stuttering whenever she feels incapable of dealing wi