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Ujetnica, 2014

The Captive, Kanada, 112 min

Imdb ocena 5.9

Žanr: kriminalni, drama, misterij

Igrajo: Ryan Reynolds, Scott Speedman, Rosario Dawson

Režija: Atom Egoyan

Avtorji: Atom Egoyan, David Fraser

Jezik: angleški

Ujetnica - The Captive

Slovenski opis filma:

Najstnica Cassandra je ugrabljena proti svoji volji. Ne more priti v stik s svojo družino, da bi jim sporočila, da je še živa. Prizori nas ponesejo v obdobje pred osmimi leti, ko takrat 9-letno Cass ugrabijo iz očetovega tovornjaka. Policija ga takoj vzame za glavnega osumljenca. Osem let pozneje njenega očeta Matthewa policija še vedno preiskuje, saj pod lupo vzamejo primere kriminalnih dejanj proti otrokom. Minilo je veliko časa, a malo stvari se je spremenilo. Matthew in Cassandra morata sama popraviti porušene odnose v družini.

Originalni opis filma:

Teenager Cassandra is locked up against her will unable to contact her family to let them know she's still alive. Flashback to eight years ago when 9-year-old Cass was abducted from her father's truck and he goes straight to the authorities who immediately peg him as the prime suspect. Eight years later, her father, Matthew, is still being investigated by the police who are also trying to crack the bigger problem of crimes against children, Matthew's marriage has deteriorated and leads in the case are hard to come by. So much time but so little has changed and it's going to be up to Matthew and Cassandra herself to repair the estranged family.