Zaljubljeni učitelj
The Rewrite, ZDA, 107 min
Imdb ocena 6.3
Žanr: komedija, romantični
Igrajo: Hugh Grant, Whit Baldwin, Vanessa Wasche, Enid Graham
Režija: Marc Lawrence
Avtorji: Marc Lawrence
Jezik: angleški, francoski

Slovenski opis filma:
Nekoč je bil Keith Michaels nagrajeni filmski scenarist v Hollywoodu, toda ločitev in niz neuspešnih filmov sta mu pustila nič drugega kot le dolgove in prazne strani. Ko mu njegov agent uredi delo gostujočega profesorja na univerzi v zvezni državi New York, obupani Keith ne more reči ne.
Originalni opis filma:
Keith Michaels, an academy award winner for his screenplay for the movie "Paradise Misplaced", now faces the challenge of being rejected in Hollywood. To get a breakthrough he is forced to take the job he most hates, teaching. The assignment is at a college is far from his comforts and could possibly take him to a new life.