Labodji spev
The Looking Glass, ZDA, 110 min
Imdb ocena 5.8
Žanr: drama, glasbeni
Igrajo: Dorothy Tristan, Elizabeth Stenholt, Ed Ernstes, Alex Ludwig
Režija: John D. Hancock
Avtorji: Dorothy Tristan, Dorothy Tristan
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
13-letno dekle tragično izgubi svojo mamo. Preseliti se mora v Indiano k svoji babici Karen. Nekdanja zvezdnica odrov in malih ekranov Karen kaže zgodnje znake Alzheimerjeve bolezni, zato želi svoji vnukinji še pravočasno predati vse svoje znanje. Vprašanje je le, ali ji bo to uspelo.
Originalni opis filma:
Troubled 13-year-old Julie loses her mother and must go to Indiana to live with her grandmother Karen. A former star of stage and screen, Karen has the early stages of Alzheimer's and wants to pass on all she knows to her granddaughter before it's too late. Will their troubled relationship allow this to happen?