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Liga pravice: Bogovi in pošasti

Liga pravice: Bogovi in pošasti, 2015

Justice League: Gods and Monsters, ZDA, 76 min

Imdb ocena 7.0

Žanr: risani, akcijski, avantura, fantazijski, znanstvena fantastika

Igrajo: Benjamin Bratt, Michael C. Hall, Tamara Taylor, Paget Brewster

Režija: Sam Liu

Avtorji: Alan Burnett (zgodba), Bruce Timm (zgodba), Alan Burnett (scenarij), Bob Kane (character created by: Batman), William Moulton Marston (character created by: Wonder Woman), Jerry Siegel (character created by: Superman), Joe Shuster (character created by: S

Jezik: angleški

Liga pravice: Bogovi in pošasti - Justice League: Gods and Monsters

Slovenski opis filma:

Dvojniki Supermana, Batmana in Wonder Woman v vzporednem vesolju pogosto delajo nezakonito. Obtožijo jih niza umorov slavnih znanstvenikov, ki delajo za vlado, in predsednica Amanda Waller ukaže njihovo aretacijo. Liga pravice se bo za vsako ceno temu uprla, vsaj toliko časa, dokler ne bodo razkrili pravih storilcev okrutnih dejanj.

Originalni opis filma:

In an alternate universe, Superman is the son of Zod and was raised by a caring couple of Mexican immigrants living in harsh conditions, Batman is a young vampiric doctor, Kirk Langstrom, obsessed with an everlasting search for a cure for his disease and Wonder Woman is Bekka, the widowed queen of the world of Darkside. The three antiheroes unite and create the Justice League, despite wheelchair-bound Lex Luthor and others' protests. They operate often outside of the law and often kill the villains, but the US government tolerates them and works with them to an extent, since the three are willing to cooperate with the authorities and they never kill civilians. However, the all out paranoia and protests against their methods and untouchable position are growing. Things take a turn for the worse, when they are framed for a series of murders of famous scientists, who work for the government, and President Amanda Waller orders their arrest. They decide to violently resist arrest at all cost, until they can find the real culprits themselves.