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Reševalni psi

Reševalni psi, 2016

Rescue Dogs, United States, 87 min

Imdb ocena 5.9

Žanr: družinski

Igrajo: Courtney Daniels, Eddie Alba, Liz Beebe

Režija: M.J. Anderson, Haik Katsikian

Avtorji: Jordan Rawlins

Jezik: angleški

Reševalni psi - Rescue Dogs

Slovenski opis filma:

Simpatični Tracy se skupaj s psom Chargerjem, ki ga je rešil iz zavetišča, znajde v težavah, ko zlobni poslovnež namerava uničiti njegovo restavracijo na plaži, da bi na njenem mestu zgradil igrišče za golf. Medtem ko skupaj z bratom skuša najti rešitev za svoje težave, se Tracy zaljubi v lepo plesalko Bridget. V komediji zmešnjav bo junak spoznal, da tokrat on potrebuje pomoč svojega psa, ki ga je on v preteklosti rešil.

Originalni opis filma:

Tracy and his rescue dog Charger have to foil the plans of an Evil Businessman who wants to knock over their beach restaurant in order to build his golf course. With help from his brother, Tracy tries to meet the bills, manage the kitchen (where Charger helps cook!) and still find time to fall in love with the beautiful dancer, Bridget. Through a comedy of errors and mishaps, the humans find they themselves can be rescued by their very own rescue animals.