Zakon noči
Live by Night, ZDA, 129 min
Imdb ocena 6.4
Žanr: akcijski, kriminalni, drama
Igrajo: Ben Affleck, Elle Fanning, Remo Girone, Brendan Gleeson
Režija: Ben Affleck
Avtorji: Ben Affleck (screenplay by), Dennis Lehane (based on the novel by)
Jezik: angleški, španski
Slovenski opis filma:
Ben Affleck je režiser in igralec v kriminalni drami o sinu uglednega policista v Bostonu med prohibicijo, ki se vzpenja po lestvici organiziranega kriminala ter naposled znajde ujet med dvema sovražnima tolpama ... in dvema ženskama.Režiser napetih trilerjev "Misija Argo" in "Mesto" Ben Affleck prinaša neizprosno zgodbo o poskusu krvave uresničitve ameriških sanj "Zakon noči". Sam je napisal tudi scenarij po knjižni predlogi prodajne uspešnice priznanega avtorja Dennisa Lehanea. Gangsterska saga se odvija v burnih dvajsetih letih prejšnjega stoletja med ameriško prohibicijo, ko so distribucijo alkohola nezakonito obvladovale zločinske organizacije. Priložnost za zaslužek in vpliv, ki ga prinaša denar, je na voljo vsakomur z dovolj častihlepnosti in trdnih živcev. Joe Coughlin, sin uglednega policijskega poveljnika v Bostonu, se je že zdavnaj odločil, da ne bo šel po očetovih stopinjah, ter obrnil hrbet strogi vzgoji in družinski tradiciji. Vendar tudi med zločinci veljajo pravila in Joe prekrši tistega najpomembnejšega, ko prekriža pot vplivnemu mafijskemu šefu ter mu za nameček ukrade denar in ljubico. Vroča zveza se konča tragično in Joe priseže maščevanje; ženejo ga ambicije, ljubezen in bolečina izdaje. Iz Bostona se začne vzpenjati po lestvici organiziranega kriminala in soparnega podzemlja potokov ruma v Tampi.
Originalni opis filma:
Boston, 1926. The '20s are roaring. Liquor is flowing, bullets are flying, and one man sets out to make his mark on the world. Prohibition has given rise to an endless network of underground distilleries, speakeasies, gangsters, and corrupt cops. Joe Coughlin, the youngest son of a prominent Boston police captain, has long since turned his back on his strict and proper upbringing. Now having graduated from a childhood of petty theft to a career in the pay of the city's most fearsome mobsters, Joe enjoys the spoils, thrills, and notoriety of being an outlaw. But life on the dark side carries a heavy price. In a time when ruthless men of ambition, armed with cash, illegal booze, and guns, battle for control, no one-neither family nor friend, enemy nor lover-can be trusted. Beyond money and power, even the threat of prison, one fate seems most likely for men like Joe: an early death. But until that day, he and his friends are determined to live life to the hilt. Joe embarks on a dizzying journey up the ladder of organized crime that takes him from the flash of Jazz Age Boston to the sensual shimmer of Tampa's Latin Quarter to the sizzling streets of Cuba. Live by Night is a riveting epic layered with a diverse cast of loyal friends and callous enemies, tough rumrunners and sultry femmes fatales, Bible-quoting evangelists and cruel Klansmen, all battling for survival and their piece of the American dream. At once a sweeping love story and a compelling saga of revenge, it is a spellbinding tour de force of betrayal and redemption, music and murder, that brings fully to life a bygone era when sin was cause for celebration and vice was a national virtue.