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Generacija Momentum

Generacija Momentum, 2018

Momentum Generation, 103 min

Imdb ocena 8.2

Žanr: dokumentarni

Igrajo: Jeannie Chesser, Tom DeLonge, Shane Dorian

Režija: Jeff Zimbalist, Michael Zimbalist

Avtorji: Jeff Zimbalist, Michael Zimbalist

Generacija Momentum - Momentum Generation

Slovenski opis filma:

Prvič so legendarni člani "Generacije Momentum" privolili v pripoved svoje zgodbe. Filmarji so tako dobili edinstven vpogled v njihove ožje kroge in več ur arhivskih posnetkov.Kelly Slater in legendarni člani "Generacije Momentum" so prvič privolili v prikaz svoje neverjetne zgodbe. Dokumentarec prinaša intimni vpogled v njihov vzpon do slave. Ekskluzivne intervjuje in za več desetletij arhivskih posnetkov dopolnjujejo osupljivi prikazi deskanja, ki prikazujejo zgodbo od zgodnjih dni na Havajih in grozljivih trenutkov med smrtonosnimi valovi do nepozabnega vrhunca na svetovnem deskarskem tekmovanju. Športni pionirji so utirali pot deskanju v splošno kulturo in za vselej spremenili naše dojemanje tega športa.

Originalni opis filma:

For the first time in their careers, the core members of surfing's most legendary crew - including Kelly Slater, Rob Machado, Shane Dorian, Taylor Knox, Benji Weatherley, Kalani Robb, Ross Williams, Taylor Steele, and Pat O'Connell - have agreed to tell their story together, giving the filmmakers unprecedented access to their inner circle, and tens of thousands of hours of private archives. After leaving their families in their early teens to live crammed together in a house on the North Shore of Oahu, they courageously followed each other into Mother Nature's most dangerous waves - and when some of them didn't make it back to shore, together they found a way to mourn and adapt. Fueled by camaraderie - but even more so by a deep-seated competitiveness - this tight-knit crew became known as the "Momentum Generation" after being featured in Taylor Steele's groundbreaking films. They went on to win world titles, break records, and redefine the world's perception of the surfer, youth culture, and of what it means to be free. As told through their own voices, captured over the course of multiple years of production and with full access to the crew's private video archive, the Momentum Generation surfers reflect on the complexity of the brotherhood and competition that shaped their shared emotional journey and made these pioneers both heroic and human.