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Pat in Mat: zimske radosti

Pat in Mat: zimske radosti, 2018

Pat a Mat: Zimní radovánky, Češka, 60 min

Imdb ocena 7.3

Žanr: risani, družinski

Igrajo: Kees Prins, Siem van Leeuwen

Režija: Marek Benes

Jezik: nizozemski, None

Pat in Mat: zimske radosti - Pat a Mat: Zimní radovánky

Slovenski opis filma:

Huronsko smešna, božično obarvana filmska različica češke risane serije o Patu in Matu. Pat in Mat si belita glavo s težkimi vprašanji. Nastopila je zima in prijateljčka želita postaviti božično drevo, okrasiti hišo, zgraditi savno, pripraviti darila in spektakularni ognjemet. In, oh, odstraniti sneg izpred hiše. Zimski čas zanju ni čas počitka, temveč je poln prezahtevnih opravil. A za Pata in Mata nič ni pretežko. Čeprav se svojih projektov vedno lotita na skrajno nenavaden način, jima na koncu vedno nekako uspe. Pa vendar toplo svetujemo, da tega, kar počneta smešna možica, ne počnete pri sebi doma. Češkoslovaška risanka Pat in Mat, znana tudi pod naslovom A je to, je delo Lubomírja Beneša in Vladimírja Jiráneka. Prvič je bila predvajana leta 1976. Izvirni naslov: PAT A MAT: ZIMNI RADOVANKY Češki animirani film, 2018 Režija: Marek Beneš

Originalni opis filma:

Pat and Mat - Winter FunPat and Mat animated film devoted to traditional puppet animation. Both characters have been here since 1976. They first appeared in the children's series and later came two films. Pat and Mata Winter fun, is the third film, which as the name suggests is taking place in the winter. The film is composed of individual stories that form a thematic unit.The winter is nearing and our two handymen can't wait for their winter fun.It is for the first time to see Pat and Mat enjoying the winter. How will they handle the decoration of their houses for he Christmas, and what presents will they found under the Christma tree. And do they have the same Christmas tree as we know, or will they make their special one. How will the solve the snow calamity and what a new machine will they make? After having fun in the snow the hot sauna would be perfect so lets build it. And how do they celebrate the end of the year?Pat and Mat in this movie are surprised by the snow calamity. As her habit is immediately reflected on how to deal with the snow affected, it is another opportunity to invent a new machine. Winter is long because it has to prepare well for Christmas and welcome the new year with a wonderful fireworks. Pat and Mat are really bored, and with the joke of invasion, they overcome every problem and literally enjoy everything. This time, nothing can stop them.Nothing is a complication and no challenge is big enough for our two handyman. Pat and Mat as usual are bringing a lot of fun and new ideas. Don't try it tat home!