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Plazenje, 2019

Crawl, United States, 87 min

Imdb ocena 6.1

Žanr: akcijski, avantura, grozljivka

Igrajo: Kaya Scodelario, Barry Pepper, Morfydd Clark

Režija: Alexandre Aja

Avtorji: Michael Rasmussen, Shawn Rasmussen

Jezik: angleški

Plazenje - Crawl

Slovenski opis filma:

Ko njen rodni kraj na Floridi zajame orkan, Haley ne upošteva navodil o evakuaciji, temveč se odpravi iskat svojega pogrešanega očeta. Najde ga težko poškodovanega v kletnih prostorih družinske hiše, oba pa hitro zajame poplavna voda. Ker časa zmanjkuje, da bi ubežala nevihti, ki je vedno močnejša, Haley in oče kmalu ugotovita, da je naraščajoča voda še najmanjša njuna skrb. V hišo namreč zaplavajo aligatorji …

Originalni opis filma:

Against all logic, the competitive swimmer, Haley, drives into the mouth of a furiously destructive Category 5 hurricane on a collision course with her hometown of Florida, to check in on her estranged father, Dave. There, in their weather-beaten house amid a rapidly sinking and alligator-infested town, Haley and her father find themselves trapped in the labyrinthine mess of their flooded crawl space, where a merciless pair of six-metre predators is silently stalking them. Now--as Haley and Dave are gasping for air in the claustrophobic basement--only their will to survive can help them stand a chance against the scaly adversaries' powerful jaws. Can they escape without getting eaten alive?