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Otok laži

Otok laži, 2020

The Island of Lies, Španija, Argentina, Portugalska, 93 min

Imdb ocena 5.8

Žanr: drama

Igrajo: Nerea Barros, Ana Oca, Sergio Quintana

Režija: Paula Cons

Avtorji: Paula Cons, Luis Marías

Jezik: španski

Otok laži - The Island of Lies

Slovenski opis filma:

Leta 1921 je ladja Santa Isabel prevažala 260 španskih emigrantov v Ameriko, ko se je potopila v bližini otoka Salvora. Samo tri ženske s tega otoka so pomagale rešiti 50 brodolomcev, vendar jih to junaško dejanje nazadnje drago stane.Leta 1921 je parnik Santa Isabel prevažal 260 španskih emigrantov v Ameriko, ko se je ladja potopila v bližini otoka Salvora v španski Galiciji. Samo tri ženske s tega otoka so pomagale rešiti 50 brodolomcev. Medtem ko domačini slavijo njihovo požrtvovalno in junaško dejanje, se kot požar širijo govorice, da je bila nesreča namerno podtaknjena. Glavni vir teh novic je argentinski novinar, ki je prišel na otok poročat o dogodku. Medtem ko se nadaljuje preiskava, je čedalje večji pritisk na tri ženske. Veliko je neodgovorjenih vprašanj in ko se sčasoma začne razkrivati resnica, junakinje izgubljajo svojo nedolžnost in tradicionalno življenje na otoku se bo za vselej spremenilo.

Originalni opis filma:

In the early morning of January 2, 1921, amid a thick fog, the steam Santa Isabel, with 260 emigrants bound for Buenos Aires, sank off the rugged and rugged coast of the island of Sálvora. That night there were no men on the island, they were celebrating Christmas on dry land. The only hope of the survivors who were struggling not to crash into the rocks were the few women, old men and children who lived in this place. Three young islanders, María (Nerea Barros), Josefa (Victoria Teijeiro) and Cipriana (Ana Oca), decide to launch into the sea in a small traditional boat. Rowing only by ear, due to the thick fog and the closed night, they manage to save 50 people. Everything that happens since that night is going to shake and change this island forever. An Argentine journalist, León (Darío Grandinetti), goes to Sálvora to cover the news of the shipwreck. But little by little he verifies that that night too many terrible "coincidences" happened on the island. There are many unknowns to be solved.