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Vzhajajoča ljubezen

Vzhajajoča ljubezen, 2020

Love on the Rise, United States, 86 min

Imdb ocena 5.2

Žanr: drama, romantični

Igrajo: Katrina Norman, Brad Benedict, Lexi Giovagnoli

Režija: Ferguson Sauvé-Rogan

Avtorji: Lisa Chapman, Ferguson Sauvé-Rogan, Elizabeth Snoderly

Jezik: angleški

Vzhajajoča ljubezen - Love on the Rise

Slovenski opis filma:

Victoria je odlična slaščičarka, ki je znana po svojih dih jemajočih sladicah in poročnih tortah. Vsakemu dogodku se posebej posveti in v svoje delo vloži veliko truda. Nekega dne med dostavo torte naleti na očarljivega Jacoba, ki ga zamenja za natakarja. Med njima takoj preskočijo ljubezenske iskrice. Toda situacija se kmalu zaplete, saj Victoria niti ne sluti, da družina njenega srčnega izbranca skuša uničiti njeno pekarno. Medtem ko se Victoria trudi rešiti svoje podjetje, Jacob išče način, da bi ji razkril svojo skrivnost.

Originalni opis filma:

Victoria Worthington is a talented cake decorator who watches life from the sidelines, as she delivers her fancy cakes to weddings, galas, and fabulous parties, while she goes home exhausted. While delivering one of her cakes, she mistaken a wealthy, sought-after bachelor, Jacob Adams III, for a waiter who is working at the wedding. Victoria gets her mystery man, who goes by the name of Jake, to help her deliver the cake. They seem to have a special connection and fate steps in when they later reconnect at a coffee shop. He ends up following her to a protest at Adams Development , who is planning on tearing down her beloved bakery, but she has no clue that Jake is one of the Adams in Adams Development. Victoria is falling in love, but will their love survive when she discovers that he is Jacob Adams III and will her business survive?