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Veliki rdeči pes Clifford

Veliki rdeči pes Clifford, 2021

Clifford the Big Red Dog, United States, Kanada, 96 min

Imdb ocena 5.9

Žanr: risani, avantura, komedija

Igrajo: Darby Camp, Jack Whitehall, Izaac Wang

Režija: Walt Becker

Avtorji: Jay Scherick, David Ronn, Blaise Hemingway

Jezik: angleški, španski, ruski, mandarinski

Veliki rdeči pes Clifford - Clifford the Big Red Dog

Slovenski opis filma:

Emily odkrije, da je njen rdeči kužek Clifford čez noč zrastel v trimetrskega psa, zato prosi strica Caseyja za pomoč. Nori znanstvenik hoče ujeti mladiča in vsa soseska mora skriti Clifforda, medtem ko se preganjajo po mestu.Osnovnošolka Emily Elizabeth (Darby Camp) sreča čarobnega reševalca živali (John Cleese) in ta ji podari majhnega rdečega pasjega mladiča. Nikoli si ne bi mislila, da bo rdeči kužek Clifford čez noč zrastel v trimetrskega psa, ki v majhnem stanovanju v New Yorku sega do stropa. Njena mati samohranilka (Sienna Guillory) je na službeni poti, Emily in njen zabavni ter lahkomiselni stric Casey (Jack Whitehall) pa se odpravita na pustolovščino, ki ju bo popeljala po vsem mestu. Nori znanstvenik hoče ujeti mladiča in vsa soseska mora skriti Clifforda. Zgodba je posneta po priljubljenem liku v istoimenski knjižni seriji ameriške založbe Scholastic.

Originalni opis filma:

As middle schooler Emily Elizabeth struggles to fit in at home and at school, she discovers a small red puppy who is destined to become her best friend from a magical animal rescuer. When Clifford becomes a gigantic red dog in her New York City apartment and attracts the attention of a genetics company who wish to supersize animals, Emily and her clueless Uncle Casey have to fight the forces of greed as they go on the run across New York City and take a bite out of the Big Apple. Along the way, Clifford affects the lives of everyone around him and teaches Emily and her uncle the true meaning of acceptance and unconditional love. Based on the beloved Scholastic character, Clifford will teach the world how to love big.