The Circus, ZDA, 72 min
Imdb ocena 8.2
Žanr: komedija, romantični
Igrajo: Al Ernest Garcia, Merna Kennedy, Harry Crocker, George Davis
Režija: Charles Chaplin
Avtorji: Charles Chaplin
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Cikel ob 130. obletnici rojstva Charlesa Chaplina. Nekega dne se brezposelni in sestradani revež Charlie znajde v cirkusu, kjer ga začne preganjati policija, ki misli, da je Charlie kradel. Charlie se reši. Nato v cirkusu poišče zaposlitev in se zaljubi v upravnikovo hčer. S tem se vname bitka za njeno naklonjenost, kajti snubi jo tudi postavni vrvohodec. Da bi prekosil tekmeca in osvojil srce lepega dekleta, Charlie še sam stopi na vrv in tvega svoje življenje. Chaplinovo komedijo, ki je legendarnemu komiku prinesla »oskarja« (nagrada se takrat še ni imenovala tako), predvajamo ob priložnosti 130. obletnice Chaplinovega rojstva. Zgodovinska zanimivost: Cirkus je bil v kinematografu na Kolodvorski 13 v Ljubljani (v današnjem Kinodvoru) prvič predvajan od 11. do 14. septembra 1931. Izvirni naslov: / Ameriški film, 1928 / Režija in scenarij: Charles Chaplin / Igrajo: Charles Chaplin, Merna Kennedy, Al Ernest Garcia
Originalni opis filma:
The Tramp finds himself at a circus where he is promptly chased around by the police who think he is a pickpocket. Running into the Bigtop, he is an accidental sensation with his hilarious efforts to elude the police. The circus owner immediately hires him, but discovers that the Tramp cannot be funny on purpose, so he takes advantage of the situation by making the Tramp a janitor who just happens to always be in the Bigtop at showtime. Unaware of this exploitation, the Tramp falls for the owner's lovely acrobatic stepdaughter, who is abused by her father. His chances seem good, until a dashing rival comes in and Charlie feels he has to compete with him.