Malteški sokol
The Maltese Falcon, ZDA, 100 min
Imdb ocena 8.0
Žanr: film-noir, misterij
Igrajo: Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor, Gladys George, Peter Lorre
Režija: John Huston
Avtorji: John Huston (scenarij), Dashiell Hammett (based upon the novel by)
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
režija: John Huston scenarij: John Huston, Dashiell Hammett igrajo: Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor, Gladys George V agenciji, ki jo vodita zagrenjeni zasebni detektiv Sam Spade in njegov kolega Miles Archer, se oglasi lepa ženska, ki išče izginulo sestro. Ženska se predstavi kot gospodična Wonderly. Čeprav posumita, da laže, vzameta primer, saj je pripravljena plačati z gotovino. Ko Archer komaj uide smrti, se Spade zaplete v nevarne posle kriminalne združbe, ki išče skrivnostni kipec malteškega sokola. Spozna tudi, da je njegova stranka lagala glede svoje identitete in da ji je v resnici ime Brigid O'Shaughnessy. Malteški sokol velja za začetnika žanra filma noir, ki je največjo priljubljenost dosegel v 40. letih.
Originalni opis filma:
Spade and Archer is the name of a San Francisco detective agency. That's for Sam Spade and Miles Archer. The two men are partners, but Sam doesn't like Miles much. A knockout, who goes by the name of Miss Wonderly, walks into their office; and by that night everything's changed. Miles is dead. And so is a man named Floyd Thursby. It seems Miss Wonderly is surrounded by dangerous men. There's Joel Cairo, who uses gardenia-scented calling cards. There's Kasper Gutman, with his enormous girth and feigned civility. Her only hope of protection comes from Sam, who is suspected by the police of one or the other murder. More murders are yet to come, and it will all be because of these dangerous men -- and their lust for a statuette of a bird: the Maltese Falcon.