Čudovito življenje
It's a Wonderful Life, ZDA, 130 min
Imdb ocena 8.6
Žanr: drama, družinski, fantazijski
Igrajo: James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore, Thomas Mitchell
Režija: Frank Capra
Avtorji: Frances Goodrich (scenarij), Albert Hackett (scenarij), Frank Capra (scenarij), Jo Swerling (additional scenes), Philip Van Doren Stern (zgodba)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE ZDA, 1946 Režija: Frank Capra Scenarij: Frances Goodrich, Albert Hackett Igrajo: James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore George Bailey si v trenutku šibkosti, medtem ko se sooča s slabimi finančnimi odločitvami in mu preti bankrot, zaželi, da se ne bi nikoli rodil. Medtem ko ga na božični večer doma pričakujejo žena in otroci, ga obišče angel, ki mu pokaže svet, kakršen bi bil brez Georgea. George stopi v alternativni svet, kjer se z občutki krivde sooča s tragičnimi posledicami lastnega neobstoja. Njegovo domače mestece, ki je bilo nekdaj idilično, je šlo čez rob propada, vsi, ki jih pozna vključno s prijatelji in ženo, pa so globoko potopljeni v korupcijo, prostitucijo in kriminal. George Bailey se odloči, da bo poskušal popraviti, kar se popraviti da – morda ima njegov obstoj vendarle neki smisel. Ena najpogosteje predvajanih klasik v zgodovini televizije elitnega avtorja Franka Capre je od 80-ih let dalje postala tradicionalen, nepogrešljiv del božičnega programa televizij po svetu. Nominiran za 5 oskarjev. Kotira na številnih lestvicah, recimo na 11. mestu v izboru 100 Ameriškega filmskega inštituta.
Originalni opis filma:
George Bailey has spent his entire life giving of himself to the people of Bedford Falls. He has always longed to travel but never had the opportunity in order to prevent rich skinflint Mr. Potter from taking over the entire town. All that prevents him from doing so is George's modest building and loan company, which was founded by his generous father. But on Christmas Eve, George's Uncle Billy loses the business's $8,000 while intending to deposit it in the bank. Potter finds the misplaced money and hides it from Billy. When the bank examiner discovers the shortage later that night, George realizes that he will be held responsible and sent to jail and the company will collapse, finally allowing Potter to take over the town. Thinking of his wife, their young children, and others he loves will be better off with him dead, he contemplates suicide. But the prayers of his loved ones result in a gentle angel named Clarence coming to earth to help George, with the promise of earning his wings. He shows George what things would have been like if he had never been born. In a nightmarish vision in which the Potter-controlled town is sunk in sex and sin, those George loves are either dead, ruined, or miserable. He realizes that he has touched many people in a positive way and that his life has truly been a wonderful one.