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Nediskretna, 1958

Indiscreet, Velika Britanija, ZDA, 100 min

Imdb ocena 6.8

Žanr: komedija, romantični

Igrajo: Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman, Cecil Parker, Phyllis Calvert

Režija: Stanley Donen

Avtorji: Norman Krasna (scenarij), Norman Krasna (play)

Jezik: angleški

Nediskretna - Indiscreet

Slovenski opis filma:

Velika Britanija, ZDA, 1958 Režija: Stanley Donen Scenarij: Norman Krasna Igrajo: Ingrid Bergman, Cary Grant, Cecil Parker V tej elegantni, sofisticirani, duhoviti in intenzivno barvni romantični komediji, posneti v sijajnem technicolorju, lahko občudujemo zlasti paradna zvezdnika starega Hollywooda Ingrid Bergman in Caryja Granta, ki kot ljubezenski par v filmu nastopita že drugič (prvikrat leta 1946 v Hitchcockovi noirovsko-romantičnem vohunskem trilerju Notorious). V likih Bergmanove je bilo vselej nekaj nje same – tukaj igra Anno Kalman, v Londonu živečo slavno gledališko igralko srednjih let, ki proti vsem pričakovanjem in verjetnosti ni še spoznala moškega, ki bi ji spodnesel tla pod nogami ali ji bil, če ne drugega, vsaj enakovreden sogovornik, primeren po duhovitosti, statusu, razgledanosti in tako naprej. Zato se Anna prezgodaj vrne z dopusta, koder jo je neznansko dolgočasil eden od številnih izbrancev, s katerimi je v zadnjem času zaman poskušala navezati stik. Njena sestra, Annina glavna zaupnica, ji skuša odpreti oči: Anna ima previsoke kriterije, morda je bila doslej enostavno preveč izbirčna, kritična in snobovska. Nenadoma se na pragu njenega stanovanja znajde Phillip Adams, znanec Anninega svaka, privlačni, šarmantni, uglajeni, izobraženi, razgledani, duhoviti finančnik. Phillip je popoln. Privlačnost je takojšnja in vzajemna. Toda nenadoma gre tudi vse narobe. Anna Phillipa ujame na laži, da nima žene. Phillip se izvleče iz zagate: sicer ima ženo, vendar ni v Londonu, temveč v San Franciscu. Anna in Phillip se odločita, da bosta šla na prijateljski zmenek na balet, toda kmalu se zaljubita drug v drugega. Phillip ji pove, da ne glede na vse nikdar ne bi mogel zapustiti žene. Anna ga v šibkem trenutku prosi za poroko, saj ne ve, če lahko živi brez njega, toda Phillip jo zares odkloni in prosi, naj poroke ne omenja nikoli več. Anna nima druge možnosti, kot da se sprijazni s statusom ljubimke poročenega moškega. Nato pa Phillipa nenadoma ujame na pon

Originalni opis filma:

Anna Kalman is a London based actress. She has been unable to find love in her life. The reason why she came home early from a vacation to Majorca fits into that theme, as the man she met there and was initially attracted to ended up not being who she thought he was as a man. Upon her arrival home, she meets the suave Philip Adams, a financier who is a work acquaintance of her brother-in-law, diplomat Alfred Munson. Philip initially states that there is no Mrs. Adams in his life. But when Anna later asks him out, he clarifies that statement in that there is no Mrs. Adams in London, as she is at home in San Francisco. Regardless, Anna decides still to ask him on the date she had intended to the ballet. He accepts, letting her know that whatever happens between the two of them that he will never be able to leave his wife. As time goes on, the two fall in love, their happiness which can only be sustained as long as Philip has his Paris-based contract with NATO. So when Philip announces that he is being transferred to New York for five months, Anna comes to the realization that she truly cannot live without him and wants to marry him. Shortly thereafter, Anna learns something about Philip's background, which not only threatens their relationship, but leads to a night that Anna wants to give him that he will never forget, and not in a good way. But the best laid plans may have a bumpy road to being executed effectively...