Warlock, ZDA, 122 min
Imdb ocena 7.3
Žanr: romantični, vestern
Igrajo: Richard Widmark, Henry Fonda, Anthony Quinn, Dorothy Malone
Režija: Edward Dmytryk
Avtorji: Robert Alan Aurthur (scenarij), Oakley Hall (novela)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Nemirno mestece Warlock pretresajo nenehni spopadi med tolpami. Zato se njegovi prebivalci odločijo, da bodo na pomoč poklicali krutega in slavnega strelca Claya Blaisdella. Ta se odzove klicu na pomoč in v mesto pride skupaj s svojim zvestim podanikom, hazarderjem Tomom Morganom, ki Blaisdella bolestno ščiti. Kmalu se izkaže, da Blaisdell ne obeta nič dobrega, zato se bivši član tolpe, spreobrnjenec Johnny Gannon, odloči, da se bo tudi on potegoval za položaj šerifa. Ko se v Warlocku pojavi še ženska, ki trdi, da sta ji Blaisdell in Morgan umorila zaročenca, je vse pripravljeno na odločilni spopad. Kdo bo prevladal, zlobni Blaisdell ali spreobrnjeni Gannon?
Originalni opis filma:
The town of Warlock is plagued by a gang of thugs, leading the inhabitants to hire Clay Blaisdell, a famous gunman, to act as marshal. When Blaisdell appears, he is accompanied by his friend Tom Morgan, a club-footed gambler who is unusually protective of Blaisdell's life and reputation. However, Johnny Gannon, one of the thugs who has reformed, volunteered to accept the post of official deputy sheriff in rivalry to Blaisdell; and a woman arrives in town accusing Blaisdell and Morgan of having murdered her fiancé. The stage is set for a complex set of moral and personal conflicts.