Bonnie in Clyde
Bonnie and Clyde, United States, 111 min
Imdb ocena 7.7
Žanr: akcijski, biografski, kriminalni
Igrajo: Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway, Michael J. Pollard
Režija: Arthur Penn
Avtorji: David Newman, Robert Benton, Robert Towne
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Zdolgočasena natakarica Bonnie Parker se na prvi pogled zaljubi v prevaranta Clyda Barrowa in skupaj se odpravita na nasilno zločinsko pot po državi, med krajo avtomobilov in bančnimi ropi.Dobitnika oskarja Warren Beatty in Faye Dunaway sta soigralca v legendarnem filmu režiserja Arthurja Penna o zloglasnem paru bančnih roparjev med časom gospodarske depresije v Združenih državah. Zdolgočasena natakarica Bonnie Parker (Dunaway) se na prvi pogled zaljubi v prevaranta Clyda Barrowa (Beatty), medtem ko skuša ukrasti avto njene matere. Skupaj se odpravita na nasilno zločinsko potovanje po državi, med krajo avtomobilov in bančnimi ropi. Zaljubljena mlada gangsterja se spravita na elitni svet bogatašev in živita po lastnih pravilih. Bonnie in Clyde pritegneta pozornost celotne države, vendar se ne bosta mogla v nedogled izogibati roki pravice.
Originalni opis filma:
1934. Young adults Bonnie Parker, a waitress, and Clyde Barrow, a criminal just released from prison, are immediately attracted to what the other represents for their life when they meet by chance in West Dallas, Texas. Bonnie is fascinated with Clyde's criminal past, and his matter-of-factness and bravado in talking about it. Clyde sees in Bonnie someone sympathetic to his goals. Although attracted to each other physically, a sexual relationship between the two has obstacles. They decide to join forces to embark on a life of crime, holding up whatever establishments, primarily banks, to make money and to have fun. They don't plan on hurting anyone or killing despite wielding loaded guns. They amass a small gang of willing accomplices, including C.W. Moss, a mechanic to fix whatever cars they steal which is important especially for their getaways, and Buck Barrow, one of Clyde's older brothers. The only reluctant tag-along is Buck's nervous wife, Blanche Barrow, a preacher's daughter. The gang's life changes after the first fatal shot is fired. After that, their willingness to shoot to kill increases to protect themselves and their livelihood. Their notoriety precedes them, so much so that no matter what one's opinion is of them, most want to have some association to the Barrow gang, to help them, to be spoken in the same breath as them, or to capture and or kill them. Of the many people they encounter in their crime spree, the one who may have the most profound effect on their lives is Texas Ranger, Frank Hamer, who seeks retribution.