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V megli

V megli, 1978

Up in Smoke, United States, 86 min

Imdb ocena 6.9

Žanr: komedija, glasbeni

Igrajo: Cheech Marin, Tommy Chong, Strother Martin

Režija: Lou Adler, Tommy Chong

Avtorji: Tommy Chong, Cheech Marin

Jezik: angleški, španski

V megli - Up in Smoke

Slovenski opis filma:

Propadla glasbenika, mehiški kitarist in belopolti bobnar, se srečata po naključju; skupaj se odpravita na pot, tam pa se nehote zapleteta v niz čudaških dogodivščin in nenavadnega načrta za tihotapljenje marihuane. Propadla glasbenika in poklicna kadilca marihuane, mehiški kitarist (Cheech Marin) in belopolti bobnar (Tommy Chong), se srečata po naključju; po nesreči ju deportirajo v Mehiko. V obupanem poskusu, da bi se vrnila domov, privolita v zločinski načrt o tem, da bi avtomobil, poln marihuane, prepeljala čez mejo. Na poti se jima pridružita nič hudega sluteči avtoštoparki, medtem ko se pajdaša izogibata policijskim zasedam – a se ne zavedata, da jima policisti že ves čas sledijo.

Originalni opis filma:

Cheech and Chong meet up by chance on the highway somewhere in California. They go in search of some dope and are accidentally deported to Mexico where in their desperation to get home they agree to drive a van back to the States so they can get back in time for a gig they are due to play. Unaware of the properties from which the van is constructed they make their way back having aquired a couple of female hitch-hikers whilst all the time avoiding the cops whom they are not even aware are following them.