Scarface, ZDA, 170 min
Imdb ocena 8.3
Žanr: kriminalni, drama
Igrajo: Al Pacino, Steven Bauer, Michelle Pfeiffer, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
Režija: Brian De Palma
Avtorji: Oliver Stone (scenarij)
Jezik: angleški, španski

Slovenski opis filma:
Brazgotinec je kultni film režiserja Briana DePalme, scenarista Oliverja Stonea in glavnega igralca Ala Pacina. Je tudi prvi film, kjer je v svoji prvi večji vlogi zaigrala Michelle Pfeiffer. Tony Montana kot begunec pride v Ameriko skupaj s tisoči ostalih Kubancev. S prijateljem Mannyjem sta poslana v begunsko zavetišče v Miamiju, kjer hočeta prikriti svojo kriminalno preteklost. Uspe jima pobegniti in Tony se hitro znajde v svetu mafije. Toda bolj ko se vzpenja, bolj mu stvari polzijo iz rok.
Originalni opis filma:
Tony Montana manages to leave Cuba during the Mariel exodus of 1980. He finds himself in a Florida refugee camp but his friend Manny has a way out for them: undertake a contract killing and arrangements will be made to get a green card. He's soon working for drug dealer Frank Lopez and shows his mettle when a deal with Colombian drug dealers goes bad. He also brings a new level of violence to Miami. Tony is protective of his younger sister but his mother knows what he does for a living and disowns him. Tony is impatient and wants it all however, including Frank's empire and his mistress Elvira Hancock. Once at the top however, Tony's outrageous actions make him a target and everything comes crumbling down.