Brewsterjevi milijoni
Brewster's Millions, ZDA, 102 min
Imdb ocena 6.5
Žanr: komedija
Igrajo: Richard Pryor, John Candy, Lonette McKee, Stephen Collins
Režija: Walter Hill
Avtorji: George Barr McCutcheon (based on the novel by), Herschel Weingrod (scenarij), Timothy Harris (scenarij)
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Igralec bejzbola v drugi ligi Brewster sanja o tem, da bo prišel v prvo ligo in postal slaven. Nato dobi skrivnosten klic iz neke odvetniške pisarne, kjer izve, da je po dotlej neznanem sorodniku podedoval 300 milijonov dolarjev. Vendar bo ta denar dobil le pod zapletenim pogojem, o dogovoru pa ne sme povedati nikomur.
Originalni opis filma:
Brewster is a minor league baseball player. Unknown to him, he had a (recently deceased) rich relative. In order to test if Brewster knows the value of money, he is given the task of disposing of $30m in 30 days. Brewster isn't allowed to have any assets to show for the $30m or waste the money in any way. If successful, Brewster gets to inherit $300m. The biggest problem of all however, is that Brewster can't tell anyone what he's doing, so everyone thinks he's crazy. Add to this the fact that if he fails, two scheming trustees will get their hands on the money, Brewster's task is not an easy one.