Brazil, Velika Britanija, ZDA, 132 min
Imdb ocena 7.9
Žanr: drama, znanstvena fantastika
Igrajo: Jonathan Pryce, Robert De Niro, Katherine Helmond, Ian Holm
Režija: Terry Gilliam
Avtorji: Terry Gilliam (screenplay by), Tom Stoppard (screenplay by), Charles McKeown (screenplay by)
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Birokrat pobegne v fantazijski svet prihodnosti, kjer si prizadeva odpraviti administrativno napako in postane državni sovražnik.
Originalni opis filma:
Sam Lowry is a harried technocrat in a futuristic society that is needlessly convoluted and inefficient. He dreams of a life where he can fly away from technology and overpowering bureaucracy, and spend eternity with the woman of his dreams. While trying to rectify the wrongful arrest of one Harry Buttle, Lowry meets the woman he is always chasing in his dreams, Jill Layton. Meanwhile, the bureaucracy has fingered him responsible for a rash of terrorist bombings, and both Sam and Jill's lives are put in danger.